Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Premise

Starting "after this holiday season" (no later than January 1), I am not shopping for non-essential items for one year. No new clothes, books, dvds, shoes, STUFF. I've convinced Elliott to go in with me for moral support. I know this isn't a new concept (see here and here*) but here's our blog of the experience. Why are we doing this?

(1) We have enough stuff. Every time I move I'm reminded of this.

(2) I like the environment, and I think this is antithetical to consumerism.

(3) I went vegetarian at 13, and I'm looking for a bigger challenge (veganism = too obvious).

(4) As much as I'd like simultaneous tornadoes to strike my student loan carriers (on a Sunday morning-- no casualties), I've accepted this is not going to happen. So yeah, there's a definite financial motive.

I'm not sure what Elliott's motivation is, other than to appease me. Over the next few days we'll hammer out the details (2 trained lawyers = NO LOOPHOLES). This blog will be a place for talk about consumerism, environmentalism, really good sales that make me regret this decision, really disturbing things that make me appreciate it, etc. We're looking for input, encouragement, advice, criticism, and anything else not spam.

*We will not be going without toilet paper. Sorry, trees.


mollyo said...

Ok, so not going without toilet paper is good (for everyone's sake) but what about environmentally friendly toilet paper. this means less harm to the environment, which is one of your reasons for starting this no buying non essential items for a year thing (which i totally commend -- it's brilliant). but regular TP is made from virgin timber harvested unsustainably from forests. if a more environmentally friendly alternative exists....what is your justification for your decision? where do you draw the line? ~molly

Michelle said...

Fortunately Elliott's already gotten us (i.e. me) into buying Seventh Generation brand TP. I have to say, it's more expensive and less, um, "comfortable" but yeah, the environmental benefits are hard to deny. Still using those Kleenexes though, that's gonna be a harder switch to make....

Unknown said...

Do you not realize that we're heading into recession? This will result in layoffs, homelessness, and general unhappiness for your fellow citizens. Kids will starve, get sick, and (without healthcare) die. All because you decided in favor of asceticism. I will do my best at at least double unnecessary consumption expenditures this year to do my patriotic best!

Michelle said...

As a Republican aren't you supposed to say Bush is handling the economy well and would never lead us into a recession?

mollyo said...
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mollyo said...

I would just like to know where the proof is for the above claims. First of all, don't we already have layoffs, homelessness and general unhappiness? Also, how do you figure that only purchasing necessities will result in no health care? I am not really following the logic.

It is my belief that more jobs would be created if we invested in restoration, clean energy markets, local agriculture and production of sustainable domestic goods. The environment would be cleaner if people purchased fewer disposable items thereby creating healthier ecosystems that can produce more raw materials that benefit our economy. Not only that, people would be healthier from a cleaner environment, which would reduce the burden on our current health care system.