Friday, January 11, 2008

Walking the walk, literally

As part of this plan, we are not driving to places less than two miles, with some exceptions. Living on the Portland peninsula, this is generally not a big deal (this one of the things I really like about living here). Though not everywhere on the peninsula is easy to get to, particularly when the weather is bad. I often have to go to UPS to drop off photo orders, and I needed to go today. As the photo below shows, today was not exactly sunny.

Generally Portland is pedestrian friendly (at least the peninsula), but the spot where UPS is located is in an area of fairly new development (last time I looked on Google Earth, most of it was just an empty lot). So there are not a lot of sidewalks in the area, or getting down to it.

But I can't justify driving to UPS to drop off an 9x12 envelop, despite the weather. Of course if I were really busy with work I might drive, considering it does take much longer to walk. If it were warmer and not raining, I would bike - and that can almost be faster than driving.


Michelle said...

I'm not impressed.

elliott said...

I should mention that I posted this while at the new Whole Foods in Portland, which is in the same general areas as UPS. Of course there are several issues with Whole Foods, but that will take a post (or posts) of its own.

But I was happy to find they have free wi-fi.