Monday, December 8, 2008

So... close....

I've been doing a lot of online window shopping lately, gearing up for the big 1-1-09. My plan is to make a list before January 1st of things I may buy the coming year, and then stick to buying those items only. I think I started a list a while back; gonna have to update it soon. New items include:

-a swimsuit that allows me to be taken seriously at the pool

-swim cap and maybe goggles (other people seem bothered I'm not wearing goggles, not sure why. Swim cap, I can understand, but goggles seem like personal preference...)

-winter coat that reaches past my knees and doesn't make me look 18

-some base layer shirts/camisoles

-elliptical machine (used from Craigslist)

-maybe a Wii and Wii Fit, but current owners seem to be in consensus that you don't use it once you actually own it... (also ideally from Craigslist)

1 comment:

elliott said...

I was going to post something about your anticipation of January. While I don't have a list, I do plan to buy some new shoes for the snowy weather.